Section 1000: Board of Trustees
- Table of Contents - Section 1000
- 1000-Legal Status and Operation
- 1010-Organization and Classification
- 1100-Membership
- 1110-Elections
- 1110P-Candidate Edification
- 1120-Taking Office
- 1120P-Oath of Office
- 1130-Resignation
- 1140-Vacancies
- 1200-Annual Organization Meeting
- 1205-School Board Powers and Duties
- 1210-Qualifications, Terms, and Duties of Board Officers
- 1220-Clerk
- 1230-Duties of the Treasurer
- 1240-Duties of Individual Trustees
- 1250-Committees
- 1260-Authorization of Signatures and Electronic Signatures
- 1300-District Policy
- 1303-Policies and Prodedures to Review Annually
- 1310-Administrative Procedures
- 1315-District Planning
- 1320-Management Rights
- 1400-Board and Staff Communications
- 1405-School Board Use of Email and Social Media
- 1410-Board Superintendent Relationship
- 1420-Trustee Expenses
- 1430-Trustee Insurance
- 1440-Board Participation in Activities
- 1500-Board Meetings
- 1500P-Board Meeting Procedure
- 1500-B-Board Meetings - Board Operating Procedure Protocol
- 1510-Open Meeting Law Compliance Cure
- 1525-Board Meeting News Coverage
- 1600-Code of Ethics for School Board Members
- 1610-Conflict of Interest
- 1615-Trustee Spouse Employment
- 1620-Board Goals and Objectives
- 1630-Evaluation of Board
- 1640-Inservice Conference for Trustees
- 1645-Board Development Opportunities
- 1650-New Board Member Workshop