Administration » Preschool (General Education)

Preschool (General Education)

The New Plymouth School District is excited to continue to offer a general education preschool program for the 2022-23.
The information on this page is specific to our general education preschool program. For information on our special education preschool program, please contact our elementary school principal, Whitney Pieper, at [email protected]
(updated April 1, 2022)
If you would like your child to participate in our general education preschool program during the 2022-23 school year, please complete the short pre-registration form linked below. Our general education preschool classes will be on Mondays and Wednesday.
  • The morning class will meet from 8:15 to 11:15 am
  • The afternoon class will meet from 12:55 to 3:55 pm.
This general education preschool program is available to children who will be 4 years old on September 1, 2022 and live within the New Plymouth School District boundaries. If a large number of children pre-register for our preschool program, we will use a lottery system to select children for the program. If in-district enrollment numbers allow, 4-year-old children living outside the school district may also be enrolled in our general education preschool program. FOR THE BEST CHANCE OF HAVING YOUR CHILD ENROLLED IN OUR PRESCHOOL PROGRAM, SUBMIT THIS PRE-REGISTRATION FORM BY FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2022.
Please click below for more information about this preschool program.
Who can participate in this preschool program?
This program is available to children who are four-years-old on September 1st, free of charge for their families. 
Priority will be given to children who live in the New Plymouth School District boundaries. If there are a large amount of children living with the school district register for preschool, we will use a lottery system to select preschool students. After that students will be placed on a waiting list and be accepted according to availability. Preference will be given to children who live in the school district boundaries. Then, children who have siblings attending New Plymouth schools through open enrollment. Then, children who are planning to attend New Plymouth schools through open enrollment. Then, all other children. The two preschool classes will be capped at 15 children per class. 
Who will teach these preschool classes?
Our current preschool teachers are Mrs. Courtney Hardman and Mrs. Connie Frates. (Calli Coleman has been a long-term substitute teacher while Mrs. Hardman has been out on maternity leave.) Parents are also encouraged to volunteer in their child's class.
What will children be taught in this preschool program?
Our preschool students will learn basic early literacy and numeracy skills (ABCs & 123s). They will also work on developing social and emotional skills. Their learning and experiences in this preschool program will help them develop readiness to successfully transition into kindergarten next school year. 
When will these preschool classes be held?
For the 2022-23 school year, these preschool classes will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays. One class will be held from 8:15 to 11:15 am on those days. The other class will be held from 12:55 to 3:55 pm on those days. Classes will start on Monday, August 22nd. 
Where will these preschool classes be held?
The preschool classes will be held at New Plymouth Elementary School in the same classroom as our special education preschool (but on different days). 
Why is the school district offering this preschool program?
The intent of this preschool program is help our children develop their kindergarten readiness. Our hope is that all of our children will be able to start school prepared to be successful in kindergarten and throughout the following years. The district has also received funding through federal pandemic relief funds that allow us to offer a preschool program at this time.  
How can I register my four year old for this preschool program?
Please complete the pre-registration form above.  
Selection for preschool classes will take place in May. Final registration for children accepted into the preschool program will take place during the elementary school registration dates in August. 
You will need the following to register your child for preschool: 1. your child's birth certificate; 2. your child's immunization records; and 3. proof of residence (such as a utility bill, rental agreement, or bank statement addressed to you).