Seeking Public Input on Strategic Plan Goals

We express appreciation to all who participated in the five strategic planning sub-committee meetings focused on the five focus areas of our Strategic Plan. Below is a draft of the goals created during those meetings. Our objective is to use the gathered input to create a final draft of specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for our Strategic Plan for our school board to approve in their May 8th meeting. 
  • Current draft of strategic plan goals:
    • Student achievement goals
      • Improve ISAT and SAT scores by 2% each year
      • Increase career readiness courses starting at our middle school
      • Adjust to adhere to district policy on class size
    • Facilities
      • Build a new CTE facility within the next five years
      • Build a new softball/baseball complex within the next five years
      • Hold quarterly meetings with maintenance and stakeholders  
    • Curriculum
      • K-5: Vertically align K-5 curriculum with the middle school
      • 5-8: Implement introductory CTE courses at the middle school
      • 9-12: Increase CTE course offerings and apprenticeships
      • All Schools: Evaluate core curriculum every five years from adoption
    • School Safety
      • Improve safety at school drop off and pick up zones, especially near Hwy 30
      • Increase mental health resources in our schools
      • Create a program to support trained armed school staff
    • Community Relations
      • Plan public input meetings.
      • Create a district communications plan.
      • Create a district community partnerships plan.